Dear NM SBHCs and Partners,
NMASBHC is proud to publish the document, “Guidance for New Mexico School-Based Health Centers for 2020-2021 School Reopening/Reentry” for use in planning the critical role of SBHCs as New Mexico’s schools begin serving children again. Whether that “reentry/reopening” is virtual, in-person, or both, we know that SBHCs will be more important than ever to our state’s children. We hope this tool will help in that effort. The document, along with other reentry resources, are available in the NMASBHC COVID-19 section.
Please note that this tool relied on the collaboration and input of other state alliances, NMDOH/OSAH, NMPED/Safe and Health Schools Bureau, and a number of SBHC providers. Thanks to you all!
Lastly, please reach out to us if you need any support in school reentry.
In partnership,