SBHCs are currently faced with challenges due to the current pandemic. With restrictions, limited access and change in daily routines, SBHCs are flourishing in using creative methods to maintain connections with students. The following are some ideas for SBHCs to consider for promotion and marketing.
Your key partners may include: School Administrators, Front Office Staff, School Nurse, Activities Director, Athletic Director, Coaches, Athletic Trainers, specific Teachers, Student Group sponsors, Community School staff, GRADS teachers, Family Liaison, Counselors/Social Workers, Transition staff, Special Education staff, Parent Liaisons, local Community Centers, Food and Nutrition staff, Bus Drivers, School Security, Parents, Student Groups, Peer Educators, Senate, Dream Makers, GSA, etc…
You all know your champions, supportive parents, students and partners.
After you identify your key partners, consider who to contact for any of the following ideas:
Flyer: Develop a flyer or handout. You can see sample flyers below. These were developed for ABQ Area SBHCs. If you need assistance developing a flyer for your SBHC, please do not hesitate to reach out to NMASBHC staff.
Mass Communication:Schools often have a method to contact parents, students and families. These may include robocalls, e-mails, text messages, Remind, TeamApp or other message platforms. Develop a clear, quick message or flyer to share about your SBHC.
Connecting with Students/Prior Patients: Personal relationships are important. Some SBHCs have called all their past students and patients simply to check-in, remain connected and remind that services are available. For some, this has increased services for siblings and families.
Website: Many schools have a website to share important information. For example Albuquerque High, Manzano High and others have SBHC information on their websites. Schools may use different platforms (ie, APS uses Peachjar Digital Flyers) to share information and flyers. Other sponsor agencies also share SBHC information, such as La Casa, UNMMG and La Clinica de Familia.
School Billboards:Talk to your school administration about putting SBHC hours or contact information on the billboards by the road or entrance to the schools.
Teachers:If you have strong teacher partners, ask if they will share a quick message or flyer with their students about SBHC services. Some SBHCs, such as LCDF created a video and that their teachers share with students in Advisory. APS collaborated with ABQ High’s student group, PAUSE, to create a video. ABQ High Health teachers discuss SBHC services with their classes at the beginning of each semester. You can also view the NMASBHC video. Depending on availability or relationships, you can explore if they would allow a SBHC staff member or provider to be a “guest speaker” for a topic or Q&A. Topics could include: stress, mental health, COVID-19, medical topics, vaccines, reproductive health, healthy relationships, or even medical career pathways.
Student Groups:See which groups are still active and meeting. If you create a short message, or a flyer, ask for it to be shared on their Remind or other informational avenues.
Packets to students/families:If the schools are giving food, homework assignments, or any packets that get picked up, ask if you can add a flyer.
Targeted Outreach:Flu shots and immunizations are still needed. The HPV vaccine will soon be needed. Perhaps the PTA is meeting and would allow a presentation. Can you present for Professional Development Days or facilitate a session for staff? Sports seasons are delayed, but sports physicals will eventually be needed. Communicate with the Activities Director, Athletic Trainer or Coaches. Can SBHC services be mentioned or a flyer given at IEPs? From your check-ins with teachers or staff, you may be hearing about concerns or a rise in different issues, ie. STIs, need for birth control, stress, suicide attempts. All are opportunities to remind of services. Think of creative ways to address or be proactive for these important issues.