NMASBHC provides technical assistance to all SBHCs across New Mexico. Technical assistance can include support with SBHC operations and sponsorship, marketing and promotion, telehealth,  billing and reimbursement, collaboration with school administrators and teachers,  providing a broad range of tools and resources, as well as other types of support that can help SBHCs best serve the young people in their communities.

Marketing & Promotion

With the school closures due to COVID-19, SBHCs have continued to operate and have worked tirelessly to reach students and families creatively. This page has some ideas for continued marketing and promotion for SBHCs. If you have other ideas that have worked in your SBHC, please let us know. We would love to include and share your successes and ideas with the field. 


In response to the pandemic, SBHCs are utilizing telehealth much more. This page has some resources related to telehealth

SBHC Visits

NMASBHC loves to visit SBHCs to learn about the great work being done in our communities across the state and hear about ways we can support SBHCs. We make every effort to visit a SBHC each month. Contact us if you would like to setup a visit.


When scholarship opportunities arise, they will be shared here. 

Join the New Mexico School-Based Health Center Basecamp

Participate in regular check-ins with NMASBHC, NMDOH, Apex, and other SBHC partners, ask other SBHCs across New Mexico questions or share your own best practices and find SBHC specific documents and resources all  rolled up in one easy-to-digest cloud based system.

At any time, you also can pose questions to other SBHCs, OSAH, NMASBHC, or Apex. We hope this communication avenue will allow you to connect with SBHC teams across the state as well as the SBHC partners in a way that fits with your busy schedules.