NMASBHC Exemplary SBHC Awards
It is that time of year again! The 2019 NMASBHC Exemplary Award application is now available. Start coordinating with your SBHC teams now and apply to be recognized statewide as an Exemplary Awardee.
The New Mexico Alliance for School-Based Health Care (NMASBHC) recognizes exemplary school-based health centers (SBHCs) as part of its annual statewide award program. Exemplary SBHC award applicants are expected to have first met the SBHC Definition, Description, and Defining Characteristics AND then demonstrate in their application how they meet the NMASBHC Defining Characteristics of Exemplary SBHC. Awardees will be selected by a selection committee and recognized at the 2019 School Health Conference (Head to Toe) and at the 2019 NMASBHC Annual Celebration.
All SBHCs in New Mexico are eligible to apply (DOH contracted and non-contracted sites). We can’t wait to see your applications! Download the application packet and submit by February 28, 2019.